Steps to live happily ever after

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Last night I watched a movie called ‘To Sir With Luv’. Lulu sang the great song. I loved Sydney Poiter. He acted very well indeed. That was the film that pushed me towards becoming a ‘good’ teacher today, tomorrow and .. many many more days .. for the benefit of the whole man-kind(god willing). Please pray for me.

  1. To live happily, we have to manage ourselves from commiting sins (in what ever form it may be). One of the greatest sin is ZINA( committing adultery). This comes from our eyes, physical bodies etc etc. Those who committed zina cannot live happily .. no matter what , or how high they hold any position on this surface of the earth. Just ask any one of them. Can they sleep peacefully from that day onwards?

  2. to live happily, we have to make do with what we have. Our wife, children, asset, limited wealth etc etc. Stay contented. Insya allah you will be happy. Imagine you are given a ‘dark skin’ children when both of you are fair .. then .. thats it. You must count your blessings because there are those couples outside .. who have tried many ways .. they are just childless. Imagine that? what more both are professors in biology, .., child planning experts, child development programmes.. profs in genetic , etc etc , what is the leading fact is .. they remain childless. See? you must be grateful to Allah because from both of .. there comes your children .. smiling, playing in front of your eyes ..daily day n night.

  3. try to learn to forgive what your enemies have done to you. According to one hadith “.. if one day , u have the power to kill ur enemy .. and at that critical moment .. you can forgive the poor soul .. stay steadfast .. you will be granted paradise…”. As easy as that. Yes?

  4. try to live according to your means. if both of you earn RM1000 per month and you have 12 children , all handicap ,, .. , spend the money wisely. Its good to eat a day and stay fasting the next day. Thats what Prophet Muhammad did .. and he always pray that ..he s in that condition all the time so that he can be grateful to Allah. Presently many families are killing themselves because they earn RM10,000 but they spend RM50,000 a month. Even though they are experts in economics and accounting .. they walk so low in the eyes of other people ..because of their debts .. 360 degrees top-bottom-right-left - their entire waist. See? their misery ..knows no bound. The banks call them, the ‘ah long’ hunting for them day and night. See?

Thats it my friends. Doa for me too for I am just a simple teacher teaching my students how to count 1+2+3 = 6 # 6 - 2-3 = 1# he..he… as easy as a b c. Easy teaching, easy living , and insya allah easy questioning by the Al Mighty Allah how you have led your life.


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