Supporting evidence why women folks are in ...
Last night I took a kitab called Sahih Muslim (1972). I found this my daughters. Please read if you don’t mind ..
Sahih Muslim Volume 1. The book of faith. Chapter 35/ pg 47.
Unbelief of Allah, for example ungratefulness and ingratitude (tidak berterima kasih, tidak bersyukur)
It is narrated on the authority of Abdulah b. Umar that the messenger of Allah observed : O womenfolk, you should give charity and ask for forgiveness for I saw you in bulk amongst the dwellers of hell. A wise lady among them said ‘ Why is it , messenger of allah , that our folk is in bulk in hell? Upon this the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. observed: You cursed so much and you are ungrateful to your spouses. .. ‘
Sahih Muslim (1972). Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui . Lahore: Sh.Muhamad Ashraf Publication.
Translation :
hell - nerakadwellers of hell - penghuni nerakamessenger of Allah- Nabi Muhammad s.a.wobserved - bersabdacursed - menyumpah seranah contoh dengan mengucapkan perkataan ini celako/ benggong/ bodoungrateful - tidak bersyukur/ tidak berterima kasihspouses - pasangan hidupmu/ suami lahhh.
Wallahu aklam
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