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Oshhhh.. baru jer complete hantar appendices A to Z my book.

Wushhh.. that is 26 pages already.

  1. Hw thick my book? 50 pages - 26 = 24 pages.

so basically my writings is about 20 odd pages. Tak mungkin se nipis itu yer?

I think it must be more than 100 pages with all the illustrations.

Tak apa lah ..thats Penerbit punya kerja. Mine ? mine has done 90% dah,

yg berhutang is Table of Contents and Index ( kat blakang buku).

TQ. Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang ESA. Tanpa ikhsan dan hinayah nya .. tak mungkin saya dapat menulis sebanyak ini .. Alhamdulilah.

  1. Blog is good. it invokes ur brain to think , n write n write better never stop. just keep on writing. focus ..writing.. soon u will have the touch. Reading ur brain/ inside ur heart/ pouring onto the pages .. Blog.

walla huaklam.

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