Syukurlah kita gratitude gratifications PART I

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Dear readers

Syukur is a simple word. But inspite of us saying it hundred of times it doesn’t mean that we have syukur in our life.

But b4 that let us list what we have:
b) UMUR Hayat
c) Isteri
d) anak-anak
e) cucu
f) pekerjaan , jawatan, nama baik dalam masyarakat kerana itu berkaitan dengan pekerjaan
g) kesihatan
h) dan bermacam-macamlah lagi

Mengikut sebuah kitab yang lama (ku baca selepas arwah Pak Mertua ku meninggal dunia di Johor Bharu … ) bunyinya seperti ini

if u wake up from sleep and u found that u have a wife, children who are fast asleep, job to attend to the minute after u woke up, house to shelter ur family , food in abundance,islam to practice, ..and many many more ..nikmat that Allah has bestowed upon you …what else do u want .. ?

So say thanks n express gratitude to Allah.

TQ. wasallam.

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