Tashhkil dakwah ptg ni

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Today kena tasshkil. Raqb jiranku ajak kuar dakwah. Insyallah saya akan ambik bahagian . Sedikit sedikit puntak apa kerana hari nak hujan ni. Manalah tahu sedikit susah payah ini diterima oleh Allah untuk hidayah saya dan keluarga. Ameen.

  1. Actually kerja dakwah .. we must all do it by hook or by crook. My anak fromUIA kata ex-rockers di kuala Lumpur pun dah mula-mula berjinak-jinak dengan masjid dan kerja-kerja dakwah fi sabilillah. Baguslah. Ringan sedikit kerja ustaz, ustazah dan alim alim kita. Tak kan depa jer nak pikul buat kerja agama. We must do it together. THen we can progress and be saved from the fire of hell where the contents of the hell is mainly man, woman like us. A u zubillah… ( may god safe us). there is a hadith that says ‘.. a day morning or evenng in the path of allah is better than what ever the world 7 heavens and 7 earths , it contains…". why? this world is very temporary. Akhirat is eternal ..for ever and ever .. abadi abada.. for ever and everjust look at farahh fawcett.. she got cancer and passed away. her glamour can not save her from death. Similar are the other famous football stars .. u name them and they are all .. one day die! See the king. Who was the famous king ..Pharoah.. of Eygpt. he was drowned by allah during his chasing for Prophet Musa a.s. The rich king was sank into the bottom of the ocean. Dead!

THerefore lets .. do dakwah. The remaining time we have is so limited. If we do something now, hidayat may come and we might be safe from the wrath of Allah. Ameen. May Allah accept me and you my readers for this work of nabuwat (work of the prophets). Doing dakwah where ever we go. Insyallah. Come brother. Take this job as the real job .. the only job he has assigned us in this dunia.

TQ. Wasallam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2010/05/tashhkil-dakwah-ptg-ni.html