The difference between reading a Love Story novel and a mathematics paper from western journal

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I could still remember the day when my ex-Dean came to our faculty Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia in 2004/05 in Univ Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia , he introduced this word - high impact factor papers etc etc.
  In fact he wrote more than 200 papers from refereed journals.  Wow! that was cool.  Me? 0 paper and 0 journal.  Confuse.. why he could write so much when my group of friends called assistant professors if we were allowed to compute all our papers .. we still could not match him.  Yes. My Ex-Dean. Another cooling factor?  he..he..
2)  I don’t know so much about that because I was in the thick of reading articles from many kinds of journals -  maths , computers in education about learning algebra among 20+ in high school malaysia.

3)   However, I remembered his story very well.

The difference between reading a novel and a research paper from UK, USA etc.

First , the novel which has a hero, heroin and a bad guy ..  there is always a happy ending.  Usually in Hindi films, the hero will kill the bad guy and of course the reward is he will marry the heroin - they live happily ever after .. with all the beautiful hindi songs.  At my time 30 years ago, the camera/film  man has to be an athlete because the actors sang and danced in many continents covering few mountains with ice , and sometimes in a dry desert like Sahara, Africa.  I was not sure whether there was Air Asia that time because each hindi film has 2000 actors.  If there was , Sir Fernandez had to prepare at least 10 Air Asia planes from India, Pakistan, Kashmeer, London, New York .. just to accomodate the hero and heroin dancing, rolling on the parks, lakes, highways etc etc.  Luckily it was not me who was assigned as the camera/film  man for this novel which was turned into a film (Blockbuster).

Mind you - reading the novel -  there is no examination at the end of the reading.  So sleep well my dear.  

Next, the paper from the high impact journal.  Fully refereed by few ' 1000 WHO IS WHO ' from data Mining field of body of knowledge.

Any of this paper, has about 10 references.  Each reference has about 10 more references. So each paper that you start with has about 100 references (at least).  To be a effective scholar, you must try to read and make some cross references here and there. The difficult part is .. the english was just not right especially if any arab or asian scholar were to write any of these papers.  Sometimes the grammar does not look right ..but who cares .. they had appeared in a high impact factor journal.  Next, the maths and statistical  formulae and provings and programming excerpts are too much to warrant us read the paper on a soft bed next to our most handsome guy on earth. See?  It is not worth studying on a bed!

Oops..  usually as researcher (PhD, masters students) there is an examination in two forms.  Written called as a thesis / and an oral exam called VIVA.  So I think that will make your stomuch a bit down.  In Malay it is called ‘kecut perut’.  Right? 

In novels, you can read on the bed ..because .. the film that accompany the novel has many beautiful songs and it covers at least 3 hours .. of course the heroin like Dimple Kapadia (BOBBY) is too beautiful as compared to any  malay girl that time .(he..he sorry folks).  The length/ duration of the film calls us to sleep happily next to our partner.  Great?

But .. in the academic paper, each maths formulae ..equations .. proofings ..need us to think ..the logic, its origins, the understanding of theorems, lemma, corollary.. , etc etc .. thus we are asked to leave the bed .. put on some decent clothes and of course ..we have to drive to the tallest library in Johor, Malaysia.  UTHM’s library has 6 storeys.  See?  300,000 books and many journals.  There u can start digging the origin of many maths and stats formulae.  Happy digging my friends.

See-  which was a breeze?  The novel or the high impact article from a respective journal?

Thanking you for reading this short writings - i.e., the difference between a novel and an article from a journal.


Wallahu aklam.

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