Time untuk berehat dan membuat muhasabah

Update terakhir:


Yes we are about to reach the end of 2011.  It is a great year for others and me.  One of them is Sistem Saraan Baru Kakitangan Awam.  What ever it is .. let us look back some important points in our life.

I would like to bring you , my readers, at few things.

1)  health

Are you getting healthier?  are you spending some time to check your health?  If no .. u better do something plz.  Some wise people say ' ..prevention is better than cure.'  We prevent from sleeping so late.  Those who slept late and rush to work , .., if they got knocked by others like cars and lorries and they had lost their precious lives .. thats it folks!  U deserve it right for sleeping so late!

2)  education

Are you getting more qualified?  If you are in the age range say 25 to 35 .. I think it is good to upgrade your qualifications say doing masters this and that.  At least ,  there is some improvement in your academic credentials etc etc.  People who talk big at the mamak stalls ..they are either loaded with money, loaded with bills or may be ..loaded with few extra experience nice sharing .. what say you?
But warn you .. those who are loaded with debts .. listen to him attentively ..because it might be the last night before they got killed by ah long out side there.  So the lesson is .. get more education and don’t get more trouble berhutang keliling kelalang/  pinggang.

3)  money making

So far .. just ask yourself.  Is your business getting you anywhwre?  If yes.. good.  Keep up ur good work Else .. think seriously .. what is the best step forward.  2012 is more challenging as far as making samll business is concerned.  Why not you pack u your things and travel to Thailand/ Vietnam/ India .. this will expose you to some ideas how tough people in business is amking more and more money.

4)  your partner (wive, spouse).

So far .you happy?  happier I mean?  if Yes ..good.  Else what next?  Are you going to dumb him/her for good.  Well I don’t have the answer that can solve all problems in this life but one good things is ..spend more time preparing our own food.  I.e.  cook yourselves some food.  I read some articles on bad health.  One of the reasons why our stomach size is getting more buncit is ‘.. we are taking food that is grilled using re-cycled cooking oil.’  See ..we have to change our style of life for example ..let our wive cook our food ..and rely less on mamak food ..which cause cancer, stomach aching, HIV, and ..many more kind of diseases.  U must set your life straight!  Encourage him/her into the kitchen more and more.  It save you lots of money.

I think thats all for now.  later all I will elaborate more.  See you?

Wallahu aklam. 

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/12/time-untuk-berehat-dan-membuat.html