TQ Russia

Update terakhir:


TQ Russia. They are back in my blog.

Sorry if I did not write so well.


  1.  TQ also to my great consistent readers - Malaysia, USA, Indonesia, Brunei, Germany, Japan, France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, U.A.E, Jordan, Morrocco and many more ..

if not because of the continuous support from you

I would just ..

pack and go.

  1.  Writing in the blog is like giving alms publicly.
    It could cover many areas called the daily issues and trends in Malaysia,
    education, social interactions and injustice and of course the religion called ISLAM.

But I better stick to just a few …because ..  may be

my interpretation is not precise enough for the wide audience that I have lately.  Surprise..surprise. Alhamdulilah.

  1.  My most favourite topic is my reflection as a:

4.1  police constables'  son in police baraacks in Batu Pahat, Rengit, Kuala Terengganu, Jerteh, Tumpat
4.2  mathematics & statistics teacher , polytechnic lecturer (PKB), KuiTTHo, UTHM
4.3  football player in Jerteh, Ipoh, Grantham, Newark, Leeds, Nottingham, Manchester, Loughborough
4.4  paper presenter in both local and international conferences like WSEAS, COSMED
4.5  HOTS researcher in mathematics and science education
4.5  malaysian citizen - criticizing about the ‘spending habits’ by few #$@&y persons
4.6 ‘secret’

Hope you can take what I write ..  and please excuse ..

if there is some thing that is just not right.

Happy Reading everybody.  At least I did not steal public’s money here, right?

Wallahu aklammm

 S. K.     Ph.D  (ethnography)

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2016/06/tq-russia.html