Two days in Kota Bharu Kelantan

Update terakhir:


Hot day today isn’t is? Yes I am a CC in the middle town of KB. Just like a small Athens in Greece. Hot summer time. really? Trying to catch the l;atest news from UTHM web site. Now I am waiting for Zuhur solat by 0123 pm. I would like to join the traders doing their prayers in a small mosque in Bazzar Buluh Kubu, Kota bahru. The only difference between this market and the other markets in Malaysia is . there is a tazkirah about trading, muamalat by a scholar .. for the benefit of people like me. Todays talk is about buying and selling in cash. This bazzar is famous for selling rice, fruits like dokong, langsat, .. and many other thai produce like jeruk kelubi, jeruk bawang, jeruk petai, budu, .., traditional batik clothes and pewters and silvers and crafts. If u bring RM2000 with you , i am sure u can buy so many things within a minute. I can bet that with my life! Try me? ( thailand is just 1 hour drive from Kota Bharu).

  1. My mission is to send a car to my daughter teaching in Kota Bharu. Since the weather is not stable .. I think i should lend her my car. At least she can go to school easily .. and hopefully safely. God Willing. Moreover I have 3 cars at home. 3 cars minus 1 = 2 more cars left in my compound. Laugh. Simple maths?

  2. At night in Kota bharu I went to the mosque . Attending prayers maghrib and isya'. Within those 2 prayers I used the opportunity to listen something nice about good conduct like ‘.. mum’s right towards her children.’ basically all mosques in Kota bharu are busily preparing for the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadhan this Wednesday 11 August. I pray hard so that I can see and live in ramadhan again this year. According to the kitab of Sahihs Muslims “.. a sunnat (optional) prayer in ramadhan is considerd by Allah as Fardhu (compulsory) Solat by Alllah in Ramadhan … and a small morsel of food for your brother to opening his iftar ( break his fast ) .. the rewards is paradise .. Insyallah”. So let us all ..compete among us .. to do lots and lots of good deeds in this month of Ramadghan and lets pray that .. Allah will forgive all our sins through out our life. We pray that all muslims will be safe from the satan and its enemies. If Allah can destroy Firauan / Pharoah .. he can surely do the same …Ameen.
    to those who hurt the muslims and mukmins. Pray hard my dear readers in ramadhan.

  3. Before dawn, i busy myself translating a thesis into a book. I promised to myself .. i want to contrinbute a book of mathematics pre-algebra for malaysians and the ummah of rasulullah s.a.w. I know that there are a million books about algebra in this wide wide world but it is ok .. at least when I meet Allah i can say to my LORD … I have written a book for the benefit of mankind. Moreover PENERBIT UTHM is pushing me hard to publish a book. I promise so and so .. and insyllah i will deliver it . Don’t wolly! Actually to be honest, it is very hard to publish the first book about 100 pages thick. It is hard because the ghost is saying / belittling me .. why write a book? Who is going to read your book? Are you going to get rich by writing the book. Are you going to be another Goh Cheng Leong Geography HSC/MCE writer famous for his books in Asia and Africa in 1970s. Aghhh! who cares ..just publish the book. It is in malay. The next hurdle is putting my english text into malay. I had read many times chapter 4 and 5 of my book .. it sounds so funny .. mathematics in malay. Its ok .. i think it is my inferiority complex which is holding me back. Just get it printed my boy!

Ok thats all folks. We can go far in this world but all journey begins from the first small step. Thats applies my writing a book. Pray it will be done with successfully. Ameen.

TQ. wallahualam.

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