We won't get everything

Update terakhir:


I want to be a King , but cannot.
I want to be a PM, cannot.
I want to be an MP in Kelantan. Can. but u have to resign from the government post. Gila!
I want to be a millionaire , also cannot.
I want to be you. Impossible.
I want to be next to you? Haram.
so what can i be?

he..he.. b what u want to be. Lembu kenyang dengan ekornya. Fat stupid cow just sitting idle on the field. Watching the flies around him .. doing just nothing. tail? wag ..wag… wag..

u want me to be like that everybody? pension about 27 more months to go. God Willing. Just give me health my GOD.
He…he… this is a mad mad world.

Wa llahu aklam. Fi sabili llah bettter whole life purana sati.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/07/we-wont-get-everything.html