Welcome back my students 2012 - 2013 session

Update terakhir:


Welcome back my 2nd and 3rd year BIT students!  Congrtaulations to those who score above 3.50 CPA pointer and … work harder for those who just manage to scrape through with under 2.50.

and of course Welcome to our new students!

  1.  You are our guests .. so make sure you make yourself comfortable with the new surroundings.  First , our faculty is a new faculty but we have many modern I.T facilities.  Secondly, our staff are very young.  Average age 30 years old.  So they are very energetic just like you.  If you are eager to study, I am sure they are so eager to teach you a lot of things .. equivalent to other universities in this country. But I must warn you that .. the outside environment is quite dangerous for young “L” learners who are eager to drive their first cars or motorcycles independently from the strict observation of their parents. So please study the pattern of the traffic outside the university campus b4 you embark on the experience travelling from your hostel to the lecture rooms G3 etc.

  2.  You must have a definite objective, right,..  for coming to this new university.  Yes …the aim is to get the best degree as possible.  Other things are very secondary.  Examples of other objectives are :  finding long term partner(s) , able to diagnose computer hardware problems and travel via AIRASIA to few asian countries like Indonesia and Vietnam.  Do you knw that we are just 1.5 hours from Singapore.  So .plan your journey well.

I think thats all for today.

Happy studying in UTHM.

Wallahu aklam. ( God knows best).

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2012/09/welcome-back-my-students-2012-2013.html