What a man loves so much

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As a humble man , I always love 12 things

  1. my ROBBBB called Allah Azawajalla

  2. my mum

  3. my mem

  4. my anak-anak , cucu-cucu dan menantu-menantu

  5. my books, Al Quraan

  6. my maths brain

  7. my house , neighbours

  8. my harta called tanah which was inherited (laugh)

  9. my friends PKB, UTHM, KPTM, KPM; KB, BP, KL, London, Leeds, Birmingham, Grantham

  10. my tabligh friends all over the world especially Asif Jawaid (Birmingham wala)

  11. my only 1 life

  12. my DEEN called Islam and finally

  13. my students .. where ever u are directly or indirectly for the last 30 years

See my listing. it will never end actually.

Thats what we r here for , right? but in the day of mashar .. it takes so short a time for a poor man to save his skin from the wrath of Allah for being poor (nothing much to be accounted for) unlike a rich man .. who has so many things called NIKMAT. He is going to be answerable to everything that he owns. O LORD .. please help me. Ameen!

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/09/apa-apa-pun-abah-always.html