when to sleep

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Some one asks me ..when do you sleep?
Very simple question.
So it deserves a simple answer.

I sleep when i am very tired.
He he he.

But sometimes, I sleep when my partner goes to sleep.

It is usually at 1000 pm. This is a great nikmat. If you are a leader like Syayidina Omar al Khtab he went round his city to check his citizens. Were they happy? Had they eaten yet?
But since i am nobody, i can sleep. Alhamdulilah.

  1.  sometimes, if you go to India..many beggars sleep on the pavements at any time of the day.

Even it is so hot, they can sleep.?
They can sleep regardless of the weather ,  economic conditions and theories. Who cares?
What they care is food, some work and then after eating they go to sleep. In sleeping, there comes the new young ones. I heard India got a billion population. Just like China. They slept a lot these people.

So nice lives they are leading.

  1.  according to the Readers Digest, sleeping is a form of medicine.
    It helps our bodies to recover.
    Recovering from fatique and worry. Indian and chinese doctors are popular with traditional herbs and medicine. Their strength is in sleeping well.

What is your worry?

  1. If you ask any Important Lady ..what types of worry that keep you up 24/7?

Their answers could go like this

4.1 worry about power, money and 2017,2018 PRU
4.2 worry about the future voters
4.3 worry about all sorts of problems surrounding them like corruption, high spending, lavish life styles
4.4 worry about unending beauty
4.5 and of course many more

  1. Some people hardly sleep like the programmers and system analysts.
    They are doing jobs based on certain targeted dates. Due dates.
    If their projects failed, no money and/ or promotion for them.
    If no money, no service to their 1001 type of loans.

I am lucky.
i still can sleep.
if the discussion is too boring, i will sleep.
if i decide to sleep, i will sleep. God willing. Insya allah. He he he.

Any proofs doc?
last weekend, i slept all the way from Penang to Kubang kerian.

My ticket said RM41 is for the trip from Penang to Kota bharu. Nothing more, nothing less.
But i reached Kubang Kerian, instead. I WOKE up with the doa. Alhamdulilah ….nushurrr.
I enjoyed the luxury of sleeping.

syukur alhamdulilah.
If the bus can go over the South China Sea ..may be i would ended up some where in Sabah. WOW!

  1. To sleep well and to live well..u do what Allah wants from you. If HE said bribery is haram..then abide it as blindly as possible. Stay away from haram things. Haram things make you worry. Once God gives you uncountable worries, sleeping will be just  a history.

He he he. People take pills to sleep.
Very mad mad mad world.
Some old guys need pills to function.
the younger their partners, the more pills they telan. Suddenly their stomach crampo. Why? The herbs are not suitable for them. THEIR blood cannot take those herbs any more.

Top end beggars just sleep while top end I.G.Ps just cannot sleep.
Why? He has to take care of the country.
Once you used the word blind..then you can sleep well. Suddenly the world is so dark. In your sleep..it is so dark out there. Enjoy it as much as you can, my dear.

People who can sleep well, they lead a healthy life style.
their smiles ..show their state of wellness…People who can’t sleep,  (* next writing ..wellness?*)
their face, hair, nose, walking, speaking tells a lot …sleep has deprived them again and again.
Who gives you the luxury of sleeping? Yes..Allah up there.
Come to Islam.
The peace is there.
God says ..success is those who pray 5 times daily with Allah in their hearts. Nothing else. Allahuakbar. ALLah is the greatest.

If you can’t sleep, there is no success.
Days are nights and nights are days. Something has gone wrong with you.
It shows God did not give you a simple success.
Let’s start from a simple sleep. Great success. Surah al mukminun from the blessed Quraan tells us the secret of a successful lives.

Wallahu aklam bis sawab

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2016/02/when-to-sleep.html