When you are called an

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  • old man - it means you have to behave like an old man. Really? What about that famous old man .. em-ceeing many programs in ASTRO .. ? Strange .. sometimes society is very cruel imposing double standard to different men at different occasions. He..he.. Did you ever wonder why europeans adults go for daily jogging at the park or nearby lake?

** people are very sensitive to be called an old man/ woman. In Britain, it is very rude if you ask a ‘pretty old lady’ how old are you mem? He..he.. they will respond with different kind of look towards you. He..he.. so be careful

*** when old age come .. you are sensitive to 2 important things. First food like taking mutton (daging kambing). They said you will go yo yo .. at night with cholestrol and high blood pressure. Is that true Mamak restuarant operators 25 hours? He..he..

Second is, you seem to say (unknowingly) you cannot take this and cannot take that at your friend’s childrens' wedding feasts. Every where u r so sensitive towards food .. what a BORE? But surprisingly .. all those .. forbidden things suddenly will be OK once .. you got a new wife .. a second wife ..a third one and the fourth one ( my veteran friends in Malaysia confess that from his close observations). When you have so many ‘beautiful’ escorts your health suddenly change .. towards your personal best. So old man who are about to die ..don’t forget to try this secret recipe .. at the eve of your death ..try marrying another good and young lady. Your smiles will automatically come. You will take something crazy ..the people say .. wushhhh.. tight jeans/ T-shirts etc etc .. body perfume, fresh shoes .. wushhh .. u suddenly going young .. and God Forbidden .. you forget your doctors' subcription … don’t over work, my dear. He..he.. who cares right? (( ask Salleh Y.) Laugh.

*** u r easily very sensitive to your childrens' wordings, attitude, phone calls, etc etc. In fact your dinning table will suddenly look so big. It means that your children - once they got married - rarely comes home to visit you . You rarely can eat together at the weekends .. no more chance to eaty big feast with your children any more. In fact, they have their own lives. They say. If you are over 55 in Malaysia .. you like to go to your friends’s wedding. But alas it was only you alone going there. Your mem sometimes come .. but .. I told you .. she will constantly say . I can’t take this and that .. my cholesterol level is getting worse after attending .. the weddings. You better go alone. See? once u reach that golden age .. you tend to walk alone, attend to public functions alone , etc etc .. alone … marching to the sacred .. grave .. What say you? Wushhhh.

Welll thats fact you know. Please read an article in Sunday Star Malaysian Edition. I like the article called ‘the table getting bigger and bigger ' by Rashidah. It was a good reminder to me . Tq.

Take care my readers. Wallahu aklam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/06/when-you-are-called.html