Where got life as a doctor?

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Kasihan ..saya tengok students medic.  Sibuk depa .. kalahkan Dato Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak ..nampaknya.

I pun tak faham ..mengapa terlampau serious engkau orang ini.

SEnyum senyumlah sedikit/

Lagi pun ..  patient yg datang ..belum bertukar menjadi mayat lagi tau?

By talkin..  u are lifting our spirits a bit u know?

Lagi pun ..  u r just an officer .. bukan entrepreneur apa apa pun.  Right?

Di Malaysia .. org complain ada sokmo on-calls.  I think this is stupid.  From papers .. we all knw many students came back as medical degree holders from Russia, India and many more places.  With so many ..qualified doctors ..why .. r u so much pressure .. to serve based on ON CALLS?

It is a ridiculous country/

With so many doctors ..your work load should be reduce more and more ..thus u wil enjoy more time like me - teachers.  As teachers I do many things..  Weekdays … teaching maths ..but when weekends come … I serve my mother and parents as a son / servant to my parents .. and also society work.

Life is more than medicine .. u know that , don’t u?

So why r you staying put in the ward 24/7 all the time/  Plesae smile and just say to the Hospital Director

Their lives is controlled by ALLah
not me .. Boss.

So just leave the patients .. few hours … try try ..

Since u r not 100% beleiving that Allah controls the life of the patient ..then the result is you are making yourself so difficult..

let go
let go of the patient

see for your self .. who is giving the life to the patient ?

is it you or Allah The Al Mihghty God

Don’t stress up my son
Don’t stess up my daughter.
Let them go.

If they pass away .. at least there is an empty bed for the next patient ..in the Q.

If they pass away ..  well .. u have done your best ..u know?  Brilliant!
Don’t enslave yourself too much ..to the 4 corners of the ward/  go out and play football, netball .. doctors need to exercise a bit too ..  it clears off your brain.

If your spouse is in  Kedah ..go .. drive your car to Alor Star ..just leave the patient/

JPA gives so many scholarships to others tooo … let them take over your job … This is concept 1Malaysia right?

Why worry ..be happy.

If doctors are happy .. I am sure more lives can be saved.  They think better when they are happier.
Now some patients drop dead because the doctors are dying too with so much work ..  much heaveier than Dato Seri Mohd  Najib Tun Razak.

You must know .. ur wage is far less than PM .. so .. let go my dear/
be rational/  be a human being like me .. a simple maths teacher.

As a teacher we give our students some home work.

As a doctor ..u can give your patients some homework too ..  The homework is .. u must take care of yourself ..please. This the ubat ..makan 3 kali sehari .. ada 5 jenis ubat ini ..makan semua ikut arahan .. if u can do that within 72 days ( while I meet my wife in Alor Star )  ..then u r a pandai patient.

Try. ths method.

If u keep still with the old system , old regime ..not only the patient will die ..but oh my dear ..u r dying faster than the patients.  This is a very stupid thing to do/  since u r much younger .. enjoy urlife/ bring along ur stetoscope and let us play football in the park.  Can u?

Think my suggestion.

If u dare .. than JPA/ government .. will follow ur style of  thinking.  Moreover life and death is not in our hands u know?

Do that!

Send this messae to the highest level of the people in the Ministry of Health Malaysia/ dunia.

So far ..u r fooling ourselves ..really?

Insyllah .. the life will be bettr for u.  Percayalah.

Walalhu aklam bis sawab.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2013/03/where-got-life-as-doctor.html