Why is that internet not thinking effect doing so?

Update terakhir:

Morning. Today it is raining here. Quite heavily. Got to take my laptop from my red kelisa and ooshhhh.. got to run through the rain getting into my office though. He..he..

Today is very hectic me with 2 activities. First FRGS/ getting fundamental grants for research work 2010/2011 and the second is lecturing computer ethic and social values. Must attend the first one, god willing.

I enjoyed reading an article called hackers and crackers passed by norhamim andzehan FTMM, UTHM. At least now I know what is going round around us as far as internet and many computer issues are concerned. One more is .. internet is bad for students. Many of them skimm through loads and loads of information. Less time is given to think, focus,, reflect and analyze what was read earlier on. SEe? now the students know a lot but just ask them to write a critical essay on hackers .. see how much they can write. I’m afraid majority of them will write so little. Why? they are not trained to think, analyze and write out what they had read and learn so far. In fact they know a lot but there is little value to the things they know. Last few days there was an article about this effect. Internet is spoiling our childrens' brain and thinking ability. Go and find that article..it is gonna do u a world of good! Internet attracts too many advertising and news. 1% are meant for critical thinking students. A moment u try and think the next moment you are bormabarded with many other kinds of news like 9/11, osama bin laden and mahathir’s blog. See? so much thing to know but in reality u know nothing about what u had just read.

tq. buy a book and try hard to read and think. plz.


Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2010/06/why-is-that-internet-not-thinking.html