Why Star papers?

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I didn’t write very often now. Right? Why is that so?

Very easy. The answers are as follows:

(i) perhaps I was busy the last week. Trying to adjust my life with so many classes in maths. Then I have to stay focus writing my first book. O God! please help me ..completing the task . FYI, I have a strong letter from the Penerbit. Must complete the book. Ready for editing by an expert(s). God willing. it will be done with.

(ii) perhaps I was thinking most of the ideas have been put on paper (online). I complained few things lately. The complacent attitude of malaysian government servants. They work but there is no actual work. Look at the accidents in the news. So many accidents lately on the PLUS Highway. I just wonder , what happen? I am also puzzle sometimes. Their working attitude also reflects a bit on my work productivity and vice versa.

(iii) so far I tried hard to organize my room. Putting things in orderly manner. I made up my resolution - new year I mean - I want to work better and think better. I visited my PhD supervisor - Prof Dr Maizam ..trying to get some ideas on how to write up a proposal FRGS. To be frank, I haven’t read anything yet ..but her neighbour .. do ask me many times .. is your proposal ready yet? Ugghh.

(iv) why I write today? The answer i so simple. I just read yesterday’s paper STAR dated 7th Jan. There was a section ..English writing ..about tenses .. present/ perfect / past tense. Few examples. I think I learnt quite a lot reading that part .. by Dr Lim. TQ. so much. I love STAR because
firstly, the English is good?
secondly, the news are very up-to-date
thirdly, I like travels. It has so many sections on countries .. that I would like to visit one day. South Africa. I want to see the place where there is a point in the vast ocean - warm and cold water met but the fishes in each ocean do not cross the border. Surprise? The power of Allah. This point was described by GOD ALMIGHTY ALLAH in the surah Ar-Rahman.
Finally, I like the comment section in this paper. I always asked my children to read the comments from the readers in order to improve their english and writing skills. So far they pay heed to what I asked them to do. Good grief!

I think thats all for now. Enjoy reading my other writings in my blog. If u like them .. tell them to your friends .. if you don’t , put something (comment) to me. I appreciate all your time Sir/Madame/ friends.

Bye. wasallam. Wallahu aklam ( God knows best).

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/01/why-star-papers.html