Why they do not like English

Update terakhir:


I asked my students in the polytechnic PKB and this university. Why not English from the morning radio?

Frankly put, they expressed “.. the dj’s are only chinese and indians. they talk everything except melayu..”

then I asked the chinese and indians ..“why not you sometimes switch ..to BM morning talk show from the radio?” They replied … “… they only talk about melayu filmstar and all the local gossips … we are not familiar to that .. genre.. and they talk a lot on budaya melayu islam .. strange Sir! “.

See I summarized easily

we got nothing much at the end of the day to create 1malaysia.

Independence 54 years now ..still the younger generations looks different to each other. How Cikgu/ PM ?

what r we gonna got to do?

wallahu aklam.

Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2011/03/why-they-do-not-like-english.html