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When we are starting our first job
The boss handed us list of jobs or tasks that need attention.

At most time we show we are Mr. Willingly2do  type.
No arguments. We just follow.

As a policeman, teacher, officer
We signed some papers that incicate we understand the so called rules. We abide with the rules.

Akta Kerajaan is a book of conduct. We study them and we follow them one after the other.
If we follow..soon we are called another MsWilling2do kind.
All bosses like us very much.
Wish we can work together. Ok?

If we marry someone
We also sign papers and vow to each other ..taking care of each other in good or bad times.
Sun or rain we shall stay together.
Alas those are theory.  Things from the books. We can pretend to be MrWilling for few days and after that we are we ..lazy, irresponsible, foolish  and cruel.

That is why the papers are full of broken home stories.
The root cause we disobey Allah the chief Creator of our whole univefse and of course our ownselves.
In our daily 5 times solat, we alwayx seek taufiq and hidayah from Allah alone.

We beg Allah to shower us the right guidance and wisdom so that we lead a happy life.

What does happy mean?
It means 3 things.  First good conduct.  Second good talking and third good brain.

Good conduct is we can mix well with the other people in the society. Both local or international.

Good talking means we can talk well. If we are overseaa trained graduate our talking reflects someone good and careful.  Dont talk rubbish.

Lastly  good brain.
The organisTion knows you as a good brain if you can do simple task and harder one without any supervision.

If you need any help, it should be as minimum as possible.

Why?  Everybody is busy nowadays.
Rich men are busy with their big fertile lands, crops, market, u % gst, toll and market forces.

Unemployed men also busy. Either hunting for jobs or just laying idle not doing much .

Both groups are all busy.

Retired teachers, policemen, officers and ministers ..they are also busy.
At the least, few regrets ..
They left their respective professions without much impact.
They always procrastinate good jobs, good tasks ..and now they are undergoing yearly check up at the nearby hospitals.

  1.  as a mr. Willing  or  Ms. Willing
    Please realise that the society needs you to perform at your best. If you got a small family, taking care of them well is an act of responsibility.
    Your parents, in laws will always have you in their hearts.

Remember that. Amanah from the al mighty Allah.
If you are amanah,
HE will open the whole world to your feet.


Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2016/09/willingly.html