without independence

Update terakhir:


Without independence

  1.  There wont be as many universities like today. No technical universities like utem, unimap, ump  and  uthm.

  2.  There wont be many local bred professors around.

  3.  No jobs in teaching meant 60 to 70 percent bumiputra quota at all.

  4.  No matriculation colleges

  5.  Not many local dentists, doctors, phamAcists

  6.  No  proton cars on the roads meant for taxis, teachers, soldiers, policemen, nurses going back to kampung always

  7.  No head departments from locals

  8.  No scholarships

  9.  No resits of examinations such as happening now in the polytechnics

  10.  No pushing pushing business at all.
    Exam marks push
    Cgpa push
    Cpa push
    Everything push.

labour  room …push u honey..

  1.  Little hanky panky under the desk contracts.

  2. And many more.

We must thank the government today

He he he.

Happy Merdeka everybody.

i  went overseas 1975 because
nikmat independence.  Remember u?


Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2016/08/without-independence.html