writing thesis using KJ method
I went to a course - writing a book using KJ method.
It really helps me ..in producing a thesis.
Herewith I try to brief the technique. May Allah helps me in doing so. Ameen.
First. Put a title.
Say the title as “My lovely state - Kelantan”.
It has 5 districts called Bachok, Pasir Mas, Gua Musang, Kota Bharu and Tumpat.
Your thesis must have 5 chapters then.
Imagine Chapter 4 to be District of Kota Bharu.
In Kota Bharu there are 10 small villages like Kpg Sireh, Telipot, Kubur Kuda and many more.
So we go Kpg Sireh as sub-chapter 4.1
4.2 Telipot
4.3 Kubur Kuda
Second. Be brave to attack on each of the so called sub title
4.2 Telipot
4.2.1 Taman Desa Telipot
4.2.2 Paya Senang
4.2.3 Batu 2 Kuala Krai
Each of these sub-topics must be expanded.
say 4.2.1 Taman Desa Telipot
This residential area contains 100 houses . Some are bungalows, link houses and semi-D.
Eack link house at the moment is valued at RM200K - RM300K because of the following factors: location
It is near the town. Just 3 kilometers from the city Of Kota Bharu
If your car cannot start early in the morning,during the winter you can just run to your office. Why? Because of the followings :
a) good accessibility - all roads, streets are fully lit (ada tiang api)
b) near the palace - the your Highness Sultan Muhammad V sometimes sleep and pray in Masjid Telipot.
c) many cluster schools are located here. Your children can cycle to school easily but the girls are advise to drive themselves. Get the keys from your daddy please. good reputation
Most of the residents are highly educated. (laugh) many facilities
Here there are about 20 home stays. You can chose any. One night RM200 . the bus can park easily between the houses and the field near the nursery called ‘tak ingatlah ..tak main pasu bunga, baja dan … ‘. More over there are 3 cluster schools nearby. They are Sultan Ismail College, SMK Zainab 1 and SRK Zainab 2. From my house, my children sometimes walk to their respective schools.
In summary, KJ method offers the ease of branching your ideas confidently. Make sure you explain each of the branch, branches etc etc .. with more facts and most importantly .. the correct facts pertinent to your research scope/ area.
The instructor (Mr Fazlon ex-SMS Labok; big boss PTS publisher ) showed me the method using a piece of colored paper.
He folded the paper into 2.
Then he continued folding the paper into 4, 8, 16, 32 etc etc.
The more the foldings .. the more your ideas to express. Each fold is chapter 4; 4.1, 4.2; 4.2.1; etc etc
Less folding..less ideas etc etc.
In sum, be confident to describe and to explain to the minutest detail (insyaallah).
With that, I wish you well.
Thank you.
Bye. wallahu aklam bis sawab
p/s: I have conducted this workshop before in the faculty. Alhamdulilah.
p/s 2: anak anak didik saya Diploma IT, FTMM, UTHM 2004-08 - all the best semua. Ameen
Original link: https://nenez9595.blogspot.com/2014/09/writing-thesis-using-kj-method.html