You are my best COOK

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I have a cook at home. I called her WIFE. He..he.. it is so simple than mathematics and calculus. Laugh.

She is my 30 years cook. She cook all the time. When she hears my car parking at the garage , she starts to busy herself in the kitchen. She will withdraw all the fishes, crabs, sotongs, chikkens, ducks, fishes and many more from the 3000rm freezer. Of course we have lots of vegetables called sawi and kangkong. Sorry I don;t know the english words for sawi and kang kong. The nearest I get is KING KONG which is a big Gorilla. Laugh.

Its good to laugh at this hour of the day. 0840 am.

  1. I love my cook very much because of 2 reasons:

Firstly I can invite many friends malaysians and foreigners to my home

Secondly .. I can use Ramadhan ( fasting month ) as a point to invite as many foreign students to open their fastings at my home. According to a hadith by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w . if we treat the fasting man some food, all the rewards come to us. Ameen.

  1. If we don’t have a good cook ..then the first thing you have to do is u must be the alternatife cook. What say you?

He..he.. pity you my friend.

According to my late grand dads and mums .. the best cook is the strongest bond ( tie) we can have in our married life. If you gop out station, u will miss her cooking. So you come back so often to enjoy her special cooking.

I can’t complain much about that statement because in my kampung I can see many couples divorcing each other including the wok i.e., kuali or cooker.

Why? the johor men like to mengetehj so much . even until the early hours of the day. In the process they got hooked to a siamese cook or an indonesian 20 year old cook who prepares him AIR KOPI TONGKAT ALI. She smiles much wider with her nice set of teeth as compared to their spouses at home where their teeth have gone missing for many years.

In other words , the outside field looks greener than the spouse at home. As a result they bercerai/ divorce // why? cooking, cook, restaurants, cafeteria and many coffee shops including TOngkat Ali, Musa, Kassim .. .Misai Kuching, Misai Harimau They have many answers why divorce rate is picking up so high in the statistics columns in the newspapers.

Think about it?

Love your cook OK. Its ok .. if she doesn;t look like Princess Diana of Wales. Imagine you have one in the middle of the night when all light is put off. Laugh.


Wallahu aklam.

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